Covenant Groups

Men's Bible Study

Beginning on Monday March 10 and going until Easter Pastor Justin is going to facilitate a men's Bible Study using the book Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy. This study is open to all men.  We will meet in the Assembly Room of Covenant United Methodist Church (44 W. Main St.) at 6:00pm.

You do not need to be a member of the church to attend. If you have questions you can reach out to Pastor Justin at

Sunday School

Beginning on Sunday March 9 the Sunday School clss will begin a Lenten Study entitled 'The Final Days. A Lenten Journey through the Gospels.' By Matt Rawle. The Sunday School class meets after worship at 10am on Sunday morning. 

Materials are provided. 

Community Grief Support Group

Have you experienced loss? Are you having trouble after the loss of a loved one? Do you want to support those who have lost someone? 

A new group starting this fall will provide support for those who have lost loved ones and are looking for a place to help process the loss. This new support group begins August 13, 2024 and will meet in the Lounge of Covenant United Methodist Church. There is no charge to attend and all conversations are held in strict confidentiality. 

If you have questions, check out this brochure, or call the church office at 570-748-6481 and leave a message.